The Human Age of Magic
For nearly a billion years, Earth was a playground for the Fae.
When humankind sprang from their semi-sentient predecessors to spread across the land, most of the Fae retreated to their realms to wait and watch, assessing the fate of the new species.
But some of the more adventurous Fae ventured forth to live amongst the humans and observe more closely. They mingled for a while, sometimes leaving behind the progeny of their mingling--witches, wizards, and warlocks--orcs, dwarves, and demigods. This time of mingling became known as the Human Age of Magic.
These Fae adventurers took back to their realms stories. Most were tales of horror, chronicling brutal acts men visited on their fellow men. After all, such tales found a more willing ear among the Fae--who stood ready to judge mankind harshly, out of convenience or self-interest.
But a few stories were tales of heroism and sacrifice--examples of mankind's capacity for courage, perseverance, and love. The Song of Tsing is one such tale ...
... and it needs to be told.
Paperback Available - preorder eBook for 1/7/2025
Song of Tsing - Book One
A mercenary with a sword that sings. A witch who walks in dreams. If their destinies entwine, empires will fall.
Coming January, 2026
A life’s dream. Shattered by a demon abduction. The Sword that Sings could save her … and fulfill a prophecy that rips from him all he holds dear.
Writing in progress (updated 01/03/2025)
Song of Tsing - Book Two
Coming January, 2027
Song of Tsing - Book Three